Items tagged ‘Next-Social-Contract’

  • policy paper | September 10, 2013 |

    Beyond the Low Wage Social Contract

    The issue of low wages has moved to the center of American public debate recently, thanks to protests against the low pay of fast food workers, the...
  • book | March 01, 2011 |

    Getting Better

    Why Global Development Is Succeeding — And How We Can Improve the World Even More

    Charles Kenny
    As the income gap between developed and developing nations grows, so grows the cacophony of voices claiming that the quest to find a simple recipe ...
  • book | February 01, 2011 |

    Taxing the Poor

    Doing Damage to the Truly Disadvantaged

    Katherine S Newman Rourke O'Brien
    This book looks at the way we tax the poor in the United States, particularly in the American South, where poor families are often subject to incom...
  • policy paper | December 17, 2009 |

    How Oppressive Can A Nudge Be?

    Alan Wolfe Argues that Behavioral Economics is the Real Threat to Liberalism

    Probably the most distinctive innovation in the Obama Administration's brand of liberalism is its interest in behavioral economics and the power of...
  • book | April 01, 2009 |

    The Next Progressive Era

    A Blueprint for Broad Prosperity

    Phillip Longman Ray Boshara
    The Next Progressive Era provides a blueprint for a re-empowered progressive movement and describes its implications for American families, work, h...
  • policy paper | November 25, 2008 |

    A Family-Based Social Contract

    David Gray Phillip Longman
    Americans instinctively revere the family as an institution that helps facilitate all other aspects of life. The family fosters attachments across ...
  • book | June 01, 2008 |

    Grand New Party

    How Republicans Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream

    Reihan Salam Ross Douthat (Atlantic Monthly)
    Grand New Party lays bare the failures of the conservative revolution and presents a detailed blueprint for building the next Republican majority. ...
  • policy paper | September 17, 2007 |

    The Stress of Balancing Work and Family

    The Impact on Parent and Child Health and the Need for Workplace Flexibility

    David Gray Kelleen Kaye
    American families confront major challenges in balancing work and family life. Workers report that they would prefer fewer hours, while new technol...

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