Policy Papers

  • policy paper | April 30, 2014 |

    Pay More, Get Less

    How American Socio-Economic Policy Is Falling Short

    The American middle class faces an uncertain future. Staring headlong into a difficult – and changing – world economy that has yet to fully recover...
  • policy paper | April 09, 2014 |

    Strategic Empathy

    The Afghanistan intervention shows why the U.S. must empathize with its adversaries

    Matt Waldman
    As the United States withdraws from Afghanistan, it leaves violence and uncertainty in its wake. The election of a new Afghan president gives some ...
  • policy paper | March 26, 2014 |

    Envisioning a Digital Age Architecture for Early Education

    The young children of today will soon grow into the middle-schoolers of the next decade, the high school graduates of the late 2020s, and the citiz...
  • policy paper | March 25, 2014 |

    The Graduate Student Debt Review

    New America analysis of recently available Department of Education data reveals that much of America’s student debt problem may be a result of expe...
  • policy paper | March 24, 2014 |

    Driving Out of the Red with Greener Cars

    Policies for Cheaper, Cleaner Auto Transportation in California's Central Valley

    Lisa Margonelli
    Income inequality in California is already high, and it continues to increase. This income inequality is exacerbated by unequal access to jobs, cre...
  • policy paper | March 24, 2014 |

    Time to Improve

    How Federal Policy Can Promote Better Prepared Teachers and School Leaders

    While educator preparation has always been important, it is now more important than ever. Currently, there are more first year teachers in the Unit...
  • policy paper | March 19, 2014 | Asset Building

    Rebalancing the Scales

    The 2015 Assets Budget

    The 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty naturally prompts reflection on how much progress has been made and how to chart a path forward. While t...
  • policy paper | March 11, 2014 |

    College Blackout

    How the Higher Education Lobby Fought to Keep Students in the Dark

    Ever-rising college costs, more than $1 trillion in outstanding federal student loan debt, and graduates doubtful that they’ll be able to earn enou...
  • policy paper | March 04, 2014 |

    Key Questions: Education Policy in the President's Fiscal Year 2015 Budget

    New America
    President Barack Obama submitted his fiscal year 2015 budget request to Congress on March 4, 2014. The proposal, which includes $1.014 trillion in ...
  • policy paper | March 04, 2014 |

    The U.S. Economy After The Great Recession

    America's Deleveraging and Recovery Experience

    Samuel Sherraden Sherle R. Schwenninger
    The bursting of the housing bubble in 2008 plunged the U.S. economy into a serious crisis, leaving American households with a huge debt overhang an...
  • policy paper | March 03, 2014 | Asset Building

    The Financial Health Check

    A Behavioral Approach to Financial Coaching

    Antoinette Schoar Piyush Tantia
    Managing day-to-day finances is about as complex as changing the oil in a car – with some skill and instruction we can manage it, but there’s a goo...
  • policy paper | February 26, 2014 |

    Connected Communities in an Age of Digital Learning

    The need to upgrade America’s Internet infrastructure to support innovative digital learning tools and services has never been greater. In the past...
  • policy paper | February 25, 2014 | Asset Building

    Connecting Tax Time to Financial Security

    Designing Public Policy with Evidence from the Field

    The ability to accumulate and access savings is a fundamental determinant of economic security for many families, especially those with low incomes...
  • policy paper | February 24, 2014 |

    Raising Arizona: Lessons for the Nation from a State’s Experience with Full-Day Kindergarten

    CJ Libassi
    Though recently much attention has been given to the importance of early childhood education, one stubborn shortcoming of education in the early gr...
  • policy paper | February 17, 2014 |

    The Student Debt Review

    Student debt is not a new concern. But it is a complex story, the details of which vary greatly depending on the type of college a student attends,...
  • policy paper | January 30, 2014 |

    Federal Education Budget Update

    Fiscal Year 2014 Appropriations

    Congress completed the fiscal year 2014 appropriations process on January 17, 2014, finalizing annual funding for Department of Education programs ...
  • policy paper | January 21, 2014 |

    Subprime Learning

    Early Education in America since the Great Recession

    Five years ago, the United States was in the thick of the Great Recession, coping with a stock market crash and loss of jobs that would send afters...
  • policy paper | January 15, 2014 |

    Reining in the Cost of Connectivity

    Policies for Better Broadband in 2014

    Below you will find the text of Reining in the Cost of Connectivity: Policies for Better Broadband in 2014, a policy paper from the Open Technology...
  • policy paper | January 13, 2014 |

    Do NSA's Bulk Surveillance Programs Stop Terrorists?

    On June 5, 2013, the Guardian broke the first story in what would become a flood of revelations regarding the extent and nature of the NSA’s survei...
  • policy paper | January 08, 2014 |

    The Parent Trap

    Early Education in America since the Great Recession

    In fall 2011, the U.S. Department of Education quietly tightened the credit check criteria for Parent PLUS loans, a federal program that provides l...
  • policy paper | December 17, 2013 |

    It's All Relative

    How NCLB Waivers Did—and Did Not—Transform School Accountability

    After years of arguing against No Child Left Behind (NCLB), over forty states are now taking a different approach to improving their low-performing...
  • policy paper | December 05, 2013 | Asset Building

    Asset-Oriented Rental Assistance

    Next Generation Reforms for HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program

    Federally funded rental assistance programs in the U.S. address housing-related hardship for participants, but are unable to reach a majority of el...