A Column Focused on Sri Lanka: Economic Inclusion of All Segments of Society for Economic Empowerment

article | November 26, 2013

    Ebere Anosike

The Daily Financial Times recently published an article entitled, "Economic Inclusion of All Segments of Society for Economic Empowerment." The impactful piece was written by YouthSave Advisory Board member Chandula Abeywickrema. In the weeks ahead, through a short series in the English-language newspaper, under the caption ‘Inclusive Society’ Mr. Abeywickrema intends to "enlighten all stakeholders to see the big picture and possibly see eye-to-eye with each other in creating an economically inclusive Sri Lankan society, covering all segments of society."

Chandula Abeywickrema is the Chairman of Asia’s largest microfinance network, BWTP, as well as the Project Director of Hatton National Bank. He serves on the boards of several national and international financial institutions that advocate and practice financial inclusion. Mr. Abeywickrema is a valued YouthSave Advisory Board member.

We encourage you to remain up to date on the incredibly relevant 'Inclusive Society' column.


  • Photo of Ebere Anosike

    Ebere Anosike