Call for Applications - CYFI’s Youth Awards Championship


article | January 18, 2013

    Anjana Ravi

Child and Youth Finance International recently announced the start of its Youth Global Movement in which children and youth can make their voices heard and take action in reshaping the future of finance. A major part of the Movement involves the Youth Awards Championship. CYFI is inviting schools, community centers, and individual youth around the globe to submit applications for awards in the following three categories:

  • School Champion Awards: acknowledging those schools and educational institutions that have made the strongest effort in promoting financial access and education for children and youth
  • Youth Champion Awards: acknowledging the best projects carried out by children and youth promoting financial education and financial inclusion
  • Child and Youth Finance Day/Week Champion Awards: acknowledging the school or organization implementing the best activities during the Global Child and Youth Finance Day/Week, which will take place from the March 15th-21st

All finalists will be invited to CYFI’s World Youth Summit 2013 at the Istanbul Stock Exchange, which will take place from May 6-9th, 2013. There, youth will be able to share their ideas and concerns with influential people in the world of finance and youth enterprise, while working with other young people from all over the world. Interested applications should present innovative project ideas in any of the following categories: financial education, banking and savings, employment, entrepreneurship, and technology.

All applications for the School Champion Award and the Youth Champion Award should be submitted by February 25th, 2013.

Application for the ChildFinance Day/Week Award should be submitted by the March 25th, 2013. For more information, please visit Good luck!

  • Photo of Anjana Ravi

    Anjana Ravi