Making Cents International Recognizes Corrinne Ngurukie for Her Contributions to Advancing Youth Economic Opportunities

article | October 05, 2011

    Payal Pathak

At last month’s Global Youth Economic Opportunities Conference, hosted by Making Cents International, seven individuals were recognized for their commitment and tremendous contributions to the field.

YouthSave’s very own Africa Regional Technical Advisor for Save the Children, Corrinne Ngurukie was chosen among nominations received from the 400 conference participants as a member of this impressive cohort. Making Cents honored her with the following words:

“Corrinne is passionate about working with youth, particularly young girls, and discovering opportunities to help them become the leaders of tomorrow. She knows financial services inside and out, as well as supporting opportunities – financial literacy, small enterprise development, and life skills. Her commitment and professional expertise is unparalleled.”

We would like to congratulate and thank Corrinne for her tireless work on the YouthSave Project in Ghana and Kenya. Despite her busy schedule, Corrinne even makes time to blog! So stay tuned next week, for a featured blog post from Ms. Ngurukie on the community buy-in for youth savings in Kenya.


  • Photo of Payal Pathak

    Payal Pathak