YouthSave develops, delivers, and tests savings products accessible to low-income youth in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal.

  • article | July 09, 2013 |

    Business Case Webinar Roundup

    Youthsave Consortium
    Last week, the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) hosted a webinar entitled “Exploring the Business Case for Youth Savings,” which brough...
  • article | June 17, 2013 |

    Perspectives on Youth Financial Services in Egypt

    Dr. Ashraf Gamal El-Din
    This is the second installment of our series, Policy Innovations in Youth Financial Services. The series has been an online continuation of the glo...
  • article | June 10, 2013 |

    Banking on Youth, Finance and Policy

    Tanaya Kilara
    This is the first installment of our series, Policy Innovations in Youth Financial Services. The series has been an online continuation of the glob...
  • article | May 16, 2013 |

    Colombia Wins Global Money Week Award

    Alejandra Montes Dasha Kosmynina
    At the second annual Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) Summit awards ceremony, held last week in Istanbul, Colombia received an award fo...
  • article | March 18, 2013 |

    Kenya Postbank Pilot Experience

    Corrinne Ngurukie Rani Deshpande
    YouthSave’s bank partners began creating their youth savings accounts in 2010, with extensive market research that obtained firsthand information a...