YouthSave develops, delivers, and tests savings products accessible to low-income youth in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal.

  • press release | November 23, 2010 |

    YouthSave Project Launches New Website

    New America
    November 23, 2010, Washington, D.C. - One-third of the global population is under the age of 19, but less than ten percent have access to financial...
  • policy paper | November 07, 2010 |

    Youth Savings in Developing Countries

    Jamie Zimmerman Rani Deshpande
    Research and experience to date suggest that savings accounts for low-income youth may be a high-leverage tool to achieve both youth development an...
  • article | January 02, 2010 |


    New America
    The YouthSave Consortium has worked closely with one financial institution and one research partner in four countries – Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and...
  • article | January 01, 2010 |


    New America
    When YouthSave began, the financial sector in Colombia was comprised of 18 banks, totaling 5,076 branches. Despite this number of branches, out of ...
  • article | January 01, 2010 |


    New America
    When YouthSave began, Kenya’s banking sector was comprised of 43 commercial financial institutions, along with microfinance institutions (MFIs) and...
  • article | January 01, 2010 |


    New America
    When YouthSave began, Nepal’s financial sector consisted of 29 commercial banks, 80 development banks, 79 finance companies, and a number of microf...
  • article | January 01, 2010 |


    New America
    When YouthSave began, Ghana’s formal financial sector was comprised of 28 registered banks along with an active microfinance network, a rural banki...
  • article | January 01, 2010 |

    About Youthsave

    New America
    YouthSave is a consortium project led by Save the Children in partnership with the Center for Social Development at Washington University in St. Lo...