The Global Assets Project 2013 Recap is Out!

article | December 20, 2013

    Youthsave Consortium

We are pleased to announce that New America's Global Assets Project has just released its latest newsletter, recapping the past year jam-packed with activity. In 2013, the Global Assets Project deepened its work around social cash transfers and youth financial inclusion, finding that both fields are ripe for creativity and innovation in both policy and practice, yet are riddled with challenges that stifle progress. The Global Assets Project was able to extend beyond the blogosphere, Twitterverse and op-ed pages, to find inventive ways to support global dialogue on these issues, through podcasts, animated info-graphics, a video montage, features in New America's Weekly Wonk digital magazine and more. The newsletter is overflowing with this year's highlights, and even includes a major farewell announcement, along with a clickable scrapbook. Check it out here.


  • Photo of Youthsave Consortium

    Youthsave Consortium