"Understanding YouthSavers" Blog Series to Launch This Week

article | October 21, 2013

    Jamie Zimmerman

When YouthSave first started, one of our key research goals was to find out how low income youth aged 12 to 18 would respond when financial institutions offered attractive products and easy access. Would young people take advantage of an opportunity to open and make deposits in savings accounts? Of those who do open accounts, what individual or institutional characteristics are associated with savings performance and outcomes? A recent analysis conducted by CSD and research partners of the almost 11,000 YouthSave research study clients who opened accounts in the first year in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal, has begun to shed light on the aforementioned questions. In the "Understanding YouthSavers" blog series, we will highlight some of the emerging answers uncovered by that research.

Starting this Thursday, we invite you to tune into the blog series via youthsave.org or follow #youthsave on Twitter for:

An overview of the findings Surprising factors behind youth savings A firsthand look at who the YouthSave savers are

The series will not only highlight the findings from the unique, massive YouthSave research agenda, but will also discuss their implications for advancing youth financial inclusion as a field. We would love for you to join the conversation!


  • Photo of Jamie Zimmerman

    Jamie Zimmerman