Youth Savings around the World: Youth Characteristics, Savings Performance, and Potential Impacts

policy paper | May 01, 2010

    David Ansong Fred Ssewamala Gina Chowa Li Zou Lissa Johnson Margaret Sherraden Michael Sherraden Rainier Masa

Youth, ages 15 to 24, will rise in number from just under 500 million in 1950 to 1.2 billion by 2050. Almost 90% will live in developing economies, and over 80% will live in either Africa or Asia (Population Reference Bureau, 2009). As these young people assume adult economic roles and responsibilities, they will increase interactions with informal and formal financial institutions. A bank savings account may be one of the most secure ways for youth to protect their savings and asset accumulation.


  • Photo of David Ansong

    David Ansong

  • Photo of Fred Ssewamala

    Fred Ssewamala

  • Photo of Gina Chowa

    Gina Chowa

  • Photo of Li Zou

    Li Zou

  • Photo of Lissa Johnson

    Lissa Johnson

  • Photo of Margaret Sherraden

    Margaret Sherraden

  • Photo of Michael Sherraden

    Michael Sherraden

  • Photo of Rainier Masa

    Rainier Masa