The Breadwinning & Caregiving Program aims to create a community engaged in issues that include work-family balance, improved access to child care, our changing definition of family, and opportunities for female leadership. We seek to create a public environment that's hospitable to change, through powerful writing and informed debate about careers and families, their strengths and their needs.

Where's Your Daddy?

New America
Breadwinning & Caregiving

Why should we worry about the lack of paternity leave policies around the world? And how do we bridge the gap between progressive policy and slowly changing global culture that too often continues to malign the man who takes leave?

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in the news | January 29, 2015 | Breadwinning & Caregiving

Parental Leave Could be for Dad, Too

Anne-Marie Slaughter, president and CEO of the New America Foundation, said offering paternity leave would mean more workplace equality for women and have long-term benefits for children. When men take time off work after having a child, they and the mother are more equal partners than when only the mother stays home, Slaughter, whose husband stayed home with her and their son for four months, said. “I would argue in some ways that he was more competent,” Slaughter said.

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in the news | January 07, 2015 | Breadwinning & Caregiving

What’s 80% White, 80% Male and 92% Christian? Welcome to the 114th Congress!

But it is Liza Mundy’s article “The Secret History of Women in the Senate” that positively makes my teeth hurt. “In the entire history of the United States Senate, a mere 44 women have served. Ever. Those few who have were elected to a club they were never meant to join, and their history in the chamber is marked by sexism both spectacular and small.” That is one pathetic statistic.

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in the news | November 06, 2014 |

100 Women in Congress? So What.

Even as women make up nearly 60 percent of college students; even as law schools, practically a manufacturing plant for nascent politicians, are half-female; even given the remarkable strides women have made in the past half-century, Congress—like Wall Street, like the digital behemoths of Silicon Valley—hardly reflects this massive demographic shift. Permeate politics! Hardly.

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