Andy Gunn

Field Engineer, Open Technology Institute

Photo of Andy Gunn

As a field engineer for the Open Technology Institute at New America Foundation, Andy Gunn works on deploying technologies that enhance and strengthen communities and communication.  To that end, he focuses on training individuals within those communities to build and maintain the technologies themselves.  Teaching and leading individuals in hands-on projects that demystify a technology helps to build the next generation of teachers and trainers.

Before joining New America, Andy was Technical Maintenance Manager for WAMU 88.5 FM.  He was also Technical and Training Director at the Prometheus Radio Project.  He is currently on the Board of Directors for free103point9, a transmission and new media arts organization in New York State.  Andy has a Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering from Columbia University in the City of New York.


  • Community Radio
  • Broadcasting Engineering
  • Mesh Networking
  • Technology
  • Community Wireless

Direct Contact

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Andy Gunn
Field Engineer, Open Technology Institute

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