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7 Things You Should Read to Know Why Yesterday Was a Net Neutrality Game Changer

New America
Open Technology Institute

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler's announcement yesterday was a game changer for net neutrality and a victory for those who value open internet.

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in the news | January 30, 2015 | Open Technology Institute

The World-Wide Muzzle and What to Do About It

Our current project, Ranking Digital Rights, plans to hold companies accountable. While organizations such as Freedom House and the World Wide Web Foundation annually rank governments on how well they protect Internet users’ rights, we are in the process of developing a parallel methodology to measure and compare companies’ respect for users’ rights around the world. The first public ranking is scheduled for launch in late 2015.

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in the news | January 30, 2015 | Open Technology Institute

AWS-3 Auction Closes With Record $44.9B in Bids; Wheeler Still Eyeing Early 2016 Incentive Auction

“We disagree that the AWS-3 auction outcome is a trend to celebrate,” he said. “The US Government sucking $45 billion in capital out of the wireless industry is a tragedy, not a victory. It will raise prices for consumers and encourage Congress to use this vital public resource as a short-term budget fix.

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article | January 29, 2015 |

Message to Congress: How not to kill the Internet when fighting terror

MacKinnon testifies before the House Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade

This week, I testified at a hearing titled The Evolution of Terrorist Propaganda: The Paris Attack and Social Media convened by the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade. My remarks focused on how not to destroy Internet users’ right to freedom of expression and privacy ...

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in the news | January 27, 2015 | Open Technology Institute

AWS-3 Auction Ends; Wheeler Says Incentive Auction Will Start Next Year as Planned

“The U.S. Government sucking $45 billion in capital out of the wireless industry is a tragedy, not a victory,” said Michael Calabrese, director of the Wireless Future Project at New America’s Open Technology Institute. “It will raise prices for consumers and encourage Congress to use this vital public resource as a short-term budget fix.” Most mobile data already is being carried on Wi-Fi, he said.

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