Chris Ritzo

Senior Technologist, Open Technology Institute

Photo of Chris Ritzo

Chris Ritzo is a senior technologist with the Open Technology Institute at New America. Mr. Ritzo provides technical support, communications, web development, content strategy, information architecture and project management to OTI for Measurement Lab and other intitiatives. Chris' interests include the intersection of technology and public institutions, particulary libraries and schools. Chris brings over a decade of experience in teaching, training and support roles in the higher education and K12 sectors, and grounds his interests and research in past experiences with community organizations, grassroots media and advocacy organizations like the rural electric cooperatives of Illinois, community access television, and indymedia.


  • Technology
  • Community Wireless
  • Mesh Technology
  • Libraries
  • Internet Measurement

Direct Contact

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Chris Ritzo
Senior Technologist, Open Technology Institute

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