Greta Byrum

Senior Field Analyst, Open Technology Institute

Photo of Greta Byrum

Greta Byrum is an urban planner and a Senior Field Analyst at the Open Technology Institute, where she designs and implements collaborative neighborhood technology projects. Greta's work focuses on the meeting-place between urban planning, evolving technology practices, and disaster response, especially as they impact underserved and low-income communities. Her interest in communications technologies began long ago with a weekly pirate broadcast on Iowa City Free Radio, and evolved through her field research on disaster response and community development effects of small-scale low-power FM radio and wireless internet. Her work is driven by a belief in the transformative capacity of local organizations to build and own shared tech infrastructure. She holds an MS in Urban Planning from Columbia University, an MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and an MA in Literature from Johns Hopkins.

More of Greta's work can be found here.


  • Urban Planning
  • Broadband Access
  • Technology
  • Community Wireless
  • Mesh Technology

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