Hollie Russon-Gilman

Civic Innovation Fellow, Open Technology Institute

Photo of Hollie Russon-Gilman

Dr. Hollie Russon Gilman is a civic innovation fellow at the New America Foundation.

She most recently served in the White House as the Open Government and Innovation Advisor working on a second term Open Government agenda — including participatory budgeting as part of U.S. Open Government commitments. Dr. Gilman is a founding researcher and organizer for the Open Society Foundation's Transparency and Accountability Initiative and Harvard's Gettysburg Project to revitalize 21st Century civic engagement. She has worked as an advisor, researcher, and consultant to numerous non-profits and foundations including the World Bank, Case Foundation, and Center for Global Development.

She holds a Ph.D. and M.A. from the Department of Government at Harvard University and A.B. from the University of Chicago with highest honors in political science. Dr. Gilman’s dissertation is the first academic study of participatory budgeting in the U.S. She has published in numerous academic and popular audience publications including the International Studies Review and Journal of Public Deliberation. Dr. Gilman is a recipient of numerous awards including; AAAS Big Data and Analytics Fellowship, Fulbright Scholarship, Center for the American Presidency and Congress Presidential Fellowship. She is a fellow at NYU’s Governance Lab and Innovation Advisor to the Kennedy School’s Ash Innovations Award for Public Engagement.


  • Civic Innovation

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