Priya Kumar

Program Associate, Ranking Digital Rights Project

Photo of Priya Kumar

Priya Kumar is a program associate with the Ranking Digital Rights project, where she examines online freedom of expression and privacy as well as helps manage project-related communication and data. Priya has conducted research and written for a variety of organizations, including Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, the Advisory Board Company, Roll Call, and the U.S. State Department. Her research for the American Journalism Review on foreign coverage in American media was nominated for a Mirror Award, the highest honor in media reporting. Priya's master's thesis research on new mothers and social media use was featured on NPR's Morning Edition. Priya graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Maryland, College Park with bachelor's degrees in journalism and government and politics. She also earned a master's degree from the University of Michigan School of Information, where she designed her own curriculum in data storytelling.

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Priya Kumar
Program Associate, Ranking Digital Rights Project

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