Sharon Burke

Senior Advisor, International Security Program

Photo of Sharon Burke

The Honorable Sharon E. Burke is a senior advisor to the New America Foundation, where she focuses on international security and the security implications of energy, climate change, and other natural resources challenges.

Before joining the New America Foundation, Ms. Burke served in the Obama Administration as the assistant secretary of Defense for Operational Energy, a new office that worked to improve the energy security of U.S. military operations.  Prior to her service at DoD, Ms. Burke held a number of senior U.S. government positions, including at the Department of State in the George W. Bush Administration, and was a vice president and senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security. She attended Williams College and Columbia University, where she was a Zuckerman and International fellow at the School of International and Public Affairs.


  • Energy Security
  • Climate Change
  • U.S. National Security
  • U.S. Defense and Military Policy

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Sharon Burke
Senior Advisor, International Security Program

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