New America’s Future of War project – a partnership with Arizona State University – brings together thinkers and practitioners from the worlds of law, technology, political science, history, policy, the military, and the media to address the challenges posed by changes in how wars are fought.

New America Partners with Defense One for “Future of War” Project

New America
Future of War

New America announced today that it is partnering with Defense One, Atlantic Media’s premiere digital national security and defense publication, to produce editorial coverage and events around New America’s “Future of War” project.

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in the news | February 06, 2015 | Future of War

China Flies its Largest Ever Drone: The Divine Eagle

Peter Warren Singer

New images of testing materials have emerged of China's largest ever UAV, the secretive Divine Eagle. Compared to other Chinese aviation projects like the J-20 stealth fighter and Y-20 heavy transport aircraft, the lack of publicly available photos of the Divine Eagle suggests that like the American RQ-180, this giant drone is a strategic and sensitive asset.

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in the news | February 05, 2015 | Future of War

New Chinese Helicopters on the Way

Peter Warren Singer

In late January 2015 new images appeared online of a snow covered airfield in northern China, where a heavy Z-18A utility helicopter took a test flight, while the elusive medium Z-20 utility helicopter lurked in the background.

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in the news | January 30, 2015 | Future of War

Life in the Digital Age

In this half-hour CUNY TV special, we explore the ramifications of the digital world. When almost all of our correspondence, communication and personal information is dependent on digital devices….what are the pros and cons for us as consumers and users in the new wild world of digital shopping, identity, and sharing? Carol Anne Riddell hosts this special half hour all about life in the digital age

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in the news | January 30, 2015 | Future of War

New White House Hostage Rescue Strategy MIA

The administration has consistently maintained that the Bergdahl swap was not a deal worked out with terrorists and doesn’t affect its policy against ransoms and concessions. “The review does not include reconsideration of our no-concession policy,” Baskey said, though it will “examine and seek to define best practices based on instances when working through intermediaries has proven successful.”

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in the news | January 29, 2015 | Future of War

Next Generation of Chinese Space Vehicles Begins Its Long March (By Standing Up)

Peter Warren Singer

On the tropical island Hainan, Wenchang Satellite Launch Center got its very first heavy rocket. The Long March 7 (LM-7), built by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASTC), will likely not launch until 2016, but Chinese engineers have assembled it on the launch pad's mobile service structure in order to test its systems for preflight and integration quality assurance.

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in the news | January 26, 2015 | Future of War

Tom plays Phoenix

I'll be speaking next week in Phoenix. Come on down. Here are the details: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 7 p.m. The location is First Amendment Forum, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The address is 555 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 8500. Best Defense readers are invited. If you wear the Best Defense t-shirt, you can sit in the front row.

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in the news | January 23, 2015 | Future of War

In 2015, the 'Future' Approaches

Peter Warren Singer

Flying cars and hovercrafts are possible, though concept cars designed in recent years for limited flight are “not that economical or realistic in the world we've created so far,” says Peter Singer, a futurist and senior fellow at the New America Foundation think tank.

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in the news | January 22, 2015 | Future of War

Fierce Dragon Fighter Gets a Restart

Peter Warren Singer

A new FC-1 light fighter, numbered "0213", rolls out of the Chengdu Aviation Corporation factory in January 2015. The "Fierce Dragon" FC-1 multirole fighter is a joint Sino-Pakistan project, and has a maximum takeoff weight of 12.7 tons, a payload of 4.5 tons, a combat radius of over 800 miles and a Mach 1.8 top speed.

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in the news | January 17, 2015 | Future of War

Big Brother is Watching You

Shane Harris’ @War is a book that shows us the difference between the internet as we know it and the internet the way it is. As our access to the online world gets mediated entirely by aestheticised, heavily designed, customised platforms that emphasise that the internet was made for cats, porn, and dolphins, we get more and more alienated from the actual logics, logistics and operations of this massive infrastructure of the internet.

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in the news | January 13, 2015 | Future of War

It Doesn’t Really Matter if ISIS Sympathizers Hacked Central Command’s Twitter

Peter Warren Singer

Another indicator was the account cover image being changed to the text “i love you isis.” ISIS is group that tends not to call itself by that acronym (a Western construct that limits it’s scope to two state borders “islamic State of Iraq and Syria,” rather than a wider, borderless caliphate they vision aims for). Nor is ISIS a group that tends to use the verb “love” all that much.

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in the news | January 12, 2015 | Future of War

DOD News: Sharon Burke, Senior Fellow, New America Foundation

If oil prices stay at their current level, the Defense Department stands to save about $2 billion this year. Defense News reports the Pentagon has already saved about $500 million. Sharon Burke is senior advisor of the New America Foundation, and former assistant secretary of defense for operational energy plans and programs. On In Depth with Francis Rose, she explained how today's oil prices will affect future defense policy

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