Welcome to a New America

article | September 12, 2014

Today, we’re launching a new website, along with our new logo and mission statement. We have spent a year thinking about who we are, what we do best, and what we are committed to. Having a new face to present to the world symbolizes all of that. Of course, these moments always seem to mean more to the people behind them (us) than in front of them (you), but let me just say a few words about our new look.

First, it represents how we approach our work. As a civic enterprise committed to the renewal of American politics, prosperity and promise, we knew we needed a fresh face, as we’d been using the same logo and visual identity since our founding in 1999. We hope, in your first moments with us, you’ll see these as new, just as we see ourselves as representing new solutions, fresh thinking, and big ideas that continue America’s tradition of reinventing itself.

Second, our new graphics represent the diversity of our talent and ideas. As you go through the website, you’ll see that each of our programs has its own color and logo. That shows that we’re a collection of thinkers on a broad range of topics and with a broad range of views. We’re not bound by a central orthodoxy about government or markets, left or right. We are committed to data and evidence-based solutions. Our thinkers, researchers, analysts, writers, coalition-builders, educators, and activists often disagree with each other, but we are committed to robust debate. Each of our programs has its own point of view, but those may differ quite considerably from the writings of our New America Fellows or from the authors writing for The Weekly Wonk. We try to reflect a new America in which such debate produces synthesis and solutions rather than polarization and paralysis.

Third, the website shows you that we’re much more than a think tank. We’re also an intellectual venture capital fund, technology laboratory, public forum, and media platform. Take a look around, and you’ll see that we do indeed produce policy papers and panels, but also best-selling books, software that can measure the Internet and allow communities to communicate with each other without the Internet, Congressional seminars that bring right and left together, events across media, policy, government, and the private sector, field teams that work with schools and libraries to build literacy — real and digital, and databases on subjects ranging from drones to student loans. We also lead and contribute to channels on some of your favorite websites, from Slate to Foreign Policy.

Finally, I’ve been here a year now and have been able to learn about the full range of the wonderful work we do. I knew that we needed a better and clearer way of communicating that to all of you. But we also want your participation — reactions, feedback, and contributions in any amount you can afford. Our digital environment will keep growing to include ways for you to engage directly with us and start to feel like a part of New America — and of a new America. When you’re done exploring, please be sure to sign up for our weekly digital magazine, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Tell us what you think and then tell your friends to come visit.

With pride and pleasure, Anne-Marie
