The Open Markets Program promotes political, industrial, economic, and environmental resilience. We do so by documenting and clarifying the dangers of extreme consolidation, and by fostering discussions of ways to reestablish America’s political economy on a more stable and fair foundation.

A Remedy for Amazon-Hachette Fight?

Open Markets

Amazon only this week acknowledged the storm it raised earlier this month when it made it much harder for consumers to buy books by Hachette, a major French publisher, in order to extract better contract terms.

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in the news | January 16, 2015 | Open Markets

The age of Amazon is upon us: How one court battle reveals the growing threat of monopoly

Today, given that the central players in the Internet economy are middlemen – platforms that connect buyers and sellers – pricing laws will determine how the spoils get split. Internet platforms enjoy significant benefits, due to network effects and their collection of troves of data, which means producers are often dependent on a very small number of companies (or even one) to get to market. Leaving the right to price with the makers of goods – like authors and publishers – can help level the playing field between makers and middlemen.

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in the news | January 07, 2015 | Open Markets

Has Israel's antitrust watchdog blocked Mideast peace?

Lina Khan, a policy at the New America Foundation, published a Washington Post article in June entitled “How the United States became uncompetitive and unequal.” She described how the Republicans and Democrats separately and together, over the last 30 years, destroyed the competition and antitrust revolution in America that had begun a century ago under Teddy Roosevelt, William Taft and Woodrow Wilson.

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in the news | October 09, 2014 | Open Markets

Amazon Must Be Stopped

As the New America Foundation’s Barry Lynn has described, “Walmart ... has told Coca-Cola what artificial sweetener to use in a diet soda, it has told Disney what scenes to cut from a DVD, it has told Levi’s what grade of cotton to use in its jeans, and it has told lawn mower makers what grade of steel to buy.”

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in the news | September 29, 2014 | Open Markets

Authors unite against Amazon

On Monday, The New York Times reported that the group will also lobby the Department of Justice to investigate Amazon for illegal monopoly tactics. That letter, written by Barry C. Lynn, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, will be sent later this week.

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in the news | June 19, 2014 |
A Hachette Job

A Hachette Job

We could’ve seen this coming. Amazon, embroiled in protracted negotiations over new contract terms with the book publisher Hachette, is using its muscle to pressure the publisher for a bigger cut. S

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in the news | June 13, 2014 |
How America became uncompetitive and unequal

How America became uncompetitive and unequal

Lina Khan Sandeep Vaheesan

Since the early 1980s, executives and financiers have consolidated control over dozens of industries across the U.S. economy. From cable companies and hospitals to airlines, grocery stores and meatpackers, where once many small and mid-size businesses competed, today we see a few giants dominate.

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in the news | January 15, 2014 |

Big Beef

Siddartha Mahanta

Independent ranchers and animal rights activists don’t agree about much, except that it’s time to stop using federal tax dollars to support the meat lobby.

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