More than 70 Groups Sign On to Oppose the FCC’s Rumored “Sender Side” Approach to Network Neutrality

press release | November 07, 2014

  • New America

WASHINGTON, DC – New America’s Open Technology Institute (OTI) joined more than 70 organizations this morning in opposition to the “sender side” approach to network neutrality rules that was reported in the press last week (letter). Press reports indicate that the Federal Communications Commission is considering a proposal for new rules that would jeopardize the agency’s ability to protect all Internet users and would undermine the core principles that have historically governed how the Internet functions.

The following statement can be attributed to Alan Davidson, Director of the Open Technology Institute, and Vice President of New America:

“On the Internet, people have never had to worry about which broadband providers were delivering their messages on the other end of the line. The reported FCC proposal would upend that basic model of Internet communications, which has been so important to innovation and free expression. The proposal would create a new and surprising legal relationship between ISPs and millions of speakers around the world, opening the door for greater gatekeeper control of activity online.”

The following statement can be attributed to Sarah Morris, Senior Policy Counsel for the Open Technology Institute at New America:

“We have serious concerns about the leaked proposal. Basing network neutrality rules off a new, untested relationship between content senders and distant Internet service providers could have serious, far-reaching collateral effects on the Internet ecosystem beyond network neutrality. The FCC’s surest, clearest path forward for strong network neutrality protections remains, as it has been, to reclassify the last-mile retail broadband Internet service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act.”

The full text of the letter is available here. Also see a related OpEd by Sarah Morris in The Hill, “Rumored network neutrality approach might break the Internet instead of saving it.”


  • Photo of New America

    New America