The Open Technology Institute strengthens communities through grounded research, technological innovation, and policy reform. We create reforms to support open source innovations and foster open technologies and communications networks. Partnering with communities, researchers, industry and public interest groups, we promote affordable, universal, and ubiquitous communications networks.

  • policy paper | October 15, 2014 |

    Community Networks for Resilience

    As consumer choice in the broadband market has declined and the need for more resilient infrastructure has increased, community wireless networks a...
  • article | October 10, 2014 |

    OTI Submits Projects for the Knight News Challenge

    Two OTI projects promote greater data literacy, and better access for schools.

    Last week, the Open Technology Institute took the lead on two proposals submitted to the Knight Foundation’s latest News Challenge, which is focuse...
  • in the news | October 03, 2014 | Open Technology Institute

    Morning Cybersecurity

    Peter Warren Singer
    Scholar and strategist Peter Singer: “That somehow all your cyber fears can be solved by handing over the problem to a ‘man on cyber horseback’ who...
  • article | October 03, 2014 |

    Phase Two of the E-rate Modernization Process

    Recommendations to the FCC on how to better support broadband connectivity at schools and libraries

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has made significant strides in the past year toward the modernization of E-rate, the program that subs...