Working toward an open, fair democratic process, with equitable opportunities for full participation, in order to restore dynamism and growth to the American economy and society.

Political Opportunity

Political Reform

The cause of restoring American democracy demands more than just new laws or new norms — we need a new rationale, not only for legal purposes, but also for public understanding of the problem and solutions.

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policy paper | February 09, 2015 |
Political Opportunity

Political Opportunity

A New Framework for Democratic Reform

The cause of restoring American democracy demands more than just new laws or new norms — we need a new rationale, not only for legal purposes, but also for public understanding of the problem and solutions.

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article | October 16, 2014 | Political Reform
The Future of Campaign Finance

The Future of Campaign Finance

New America

In a Google Hangout this week, New America’s Mark Schmitt and Katherine Mangu-Ward, Managing Editor at Reason, weighed in on tough issues ranging from dark money’s influence on elections to the real impact of Citizens United v F.E.C., and McCutcheon v F.E.C.. Don’t worry if you missed it the first time around: watch the full conversation to find out what these experts have to say about the future of campaign finance.

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policy paper | December 17, 2009 |

How Oppressive Can A Nudge Be?

Alan Wolfe Argues that Behavioral Economics is the Real Threat to Liberalism

Mark Schmitt, Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation and Executive Editor of The American Prospect, offers a response to Alan Wolfe's recent New American Contract Policy Paper critiquing libertarian paternalism.

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