The Postsecondary National Policy Institute serves as the leading source of professional development for Congressional staff working on higher education issues. Our goal is to increase policymakers' knowledge and capacity to devise and implement workable, sustainable, and affordable higher education solutions for the years to come.

Closing the College Graduation Gap

Postsecondary National Policy Institute

A recent paper published by the National College Access Network (NCAN) and the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center analyzed the rates of postsecondary access and success of NCAN students.

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article | February 06, 2015 |

Can Online Learning Bend the Cost Curve of Higher Education?

Featured Report

Elizabeth Blume

A new report on whether online learning offerings can lead to lower tuition prices was recently released by Harvard University. The report finds that while there is some evidence that online learning can reduce college costs, its impact on education quality remains uncertain.

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article | January 21, 2015 |

Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs)

A Background Primer

New America

Incorporated in the Higher Education Act in 2008, Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs) are defined as institutions that:

  • Serve at least 1,000 undergraduate students;
  • Have at least 50% low-income or first-generation degree-seeking undergraduate enrollment;
  • Have a low per full-time undergraduate student expenditure in comparison with other institutions offering similar instruction ...

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Recent Content

article | January 09, 2015 |
Closing the College Graduation Gap

Closing the College Graduation Gap

Nicholas Brock

A recent paper published by the National College Access Network (NCAN) and the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center analyzed the rates of postsecondary access and success of NCAN students.

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article | January 01, 2015 |

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

A Background Primer

New America

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are institutions of higher learning established prior to 1964 with the education of black Americans as their primary mission. Many were founded and developed in an environment of post-slavery segregation when most postsecondary institutions were not open to young people of color.

In 1862 ...

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article | January 01, 2015 |

Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs)

A Background Primer

New America

Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): A Background Primer

In the early 1980s, a series of congressional hearings on Latino access to higher education focused on two themes: Latino students lacked access to higher education and many who began degree programs did not complete them, and Latinos were concentrated at institutions of higher ...

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article | December 19, 2014 |

Student Debt and the Class of 2013

Featured Report

Elizabeth Blume

Institute for College Access and Success published its ninth annual report on the cumulative student loan debt of recent graduates from four-year colleges.

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article | December 05, 2014 |

What About Certificates? Evidence on the Labor Market Returns to Non-Degree Community College Awards in Two States

In the last fourteen years, the number of certificates (non-degree awards that require less time to complete than degrees) has increased significantly at community colleges despite little research conducted on their economic benefits. A recent paper from the Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education Employment explores the relationship between receiving a certificate and student earnings and employment status after exiting the certificate program.

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article | November 12, 2014 |

Trends in State Financial Aid

Featured Report

A new report from Young Invincibles, A Federal Work Study Reform Agenda to Better Serve Low Income Students, highlights the new reality for college graduates: 79% of employers expect real world experience when they evaluate potential hires.

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article | September 01, 2014 |

Federal Student Aid

New America

While student aid in various forms has increased across all sectors—federal, state, institutional—over the last ten years, federal student aid has grown at a faster rate.

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article | September 01, 2014 |

Federal Tax Benefits for Higher Education

New America

For the majority of the last fifty years and ever since the federal government first began providing financial assistance for higher education in the 1950s, the dominant forms of aid have been grants, work study assistance, and loans.

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article | August 22, 2014 |

NASFAA Consumer Information Task Force Report

Featured Report

A recent report from The National Association of Student Financial aid Administrators (NASFAA) argues that consumer information requirements for postsecondary institutions could be enhanced, streamlined or eliminated to limit regulatory burden on institutional officials. The report details 15 recommendations ranging from improving the Department of Education’s College Navigator to repealing the ban on the federal-level student unit record system.

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article | July 18, 2014 |

Recent NCES Reports

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The National Center for Education Statistics has recently issued two reports, Out-of-Pocket Net Price for College and The Condition of Education 2014, an annual report to inform policymakers about the progress of education in the United States.