Items tagged ‘new-america’

  • event | February 17, 2015 |

    Community College Online

    New America
    Community colleges are often the only or the last chance for a college education for many of America’s students. Some students enroll in a couple o...
  • article | February 09, 2015

    Build a Universal Internet

    New America
    We can make planet-wide, always-on, high-speed(ish) Internet communications a reality for everyone. In other words, a universal Internet is possibl...
  • podcast | February 06, 2015

    The Internet Everywhere, Really

    New America
    We can make planet-wide, always-on, high-speed(ish) Internet communications a reality for everyone. In other words, a universal Internet is possibl...
  • article | February 05, 2015

    That Nationwide Super Bowl Ad

    Lenore Skenazy
    The Nationwide Super Bowl ad featured a somber moppet riding a trike, getting his first kiss, and sitting forlorn at a child wedding in a forest, d...
  • article | February 05, 2015

    Reading the Fine Print in President Obama’s Budget

    New America
    President Obama released his proposed budget for 2016 this week. Among its biggest and most talked-about elements are suggested changes to policies...
  • article | February 05, 2015

    Why Now is the Time to Talk About Race in America

    This piece is part of “From Moment to Movement,” a conversation and essay series on race and policy in America in collaboration with Howard Univers...
  • article | February 05, 2015 | Breadwinning & Caregiving

    Papa Does Preach—And He Also Changes Diapers

    If you were a prospective father 20 years ago, getting paternity leave was almost universally a tricky business, no matter where you lived or worke...
  • article | February 05, 2015 |

    Wi-Fi Nation

    Why the FCC Outlawed Hotel Wi-Fi Blocking

    Smartphones, tablets, wearables and a mushrooming variety of mobile devices are now a fundamental part of life in America. According to surveys by ...
  • article | February 05, 2015

    Learning from Pittsburgh’s Energy History from Westinghouse to Marcellus

    Joel A. Tarr
    What do you think of when you think of Pittsburgh? Throughout its history, the Pittsburgh region has been closely identified with energy sources th...
  • article | February 02, 2015

    Bigger Isn't Always Better

    Why We May Need a Data Detox

    New America
    Acording to a 2014 report from the White House, “Big data will become an historic driver of progress, helping our nation perpetuate the civic and e...
  • article | January 29, 2015

    Baby's First Discrimination

    Latifa Lyles
    As a mother of a young child today, I know much has changed for mothers in the workforce since my mother and her mother had children. But there’s o...
  • article | January 29, 2015

    Are GOP Women Pro-Voice?

    Greeshma Somashekar
    The abortion debate has largely fallen off the front page these days, but even though the abortion rate in the United States is at a 40-year low, o...
  • article | January 29, 2015

    Do You Want Your Child To Be a Unicorn or a Robot?

    Anya Kamenetz is very clear when she says she didn’t set out to write about standardized testing. A 2014 New America Fellow and lead education blog...
  • article | January 29, 2015

    How Community Networks Could Show Us the Infrastructure of the Future

    A decade ago, Philadelphia’s outdated sewer system—like much of the nation’s infrastructure—was crumbling, causing a nasty brew of storm-water, raw...
  • article | January 29, 2015

    Don’t Dismiss Poverty’s Role in Terrorism Quite Yet

    With the deadly attacks on Charlie Hebdo’s office in Paris earlier this month, pundits are again questioning a commonly-cited motive for radicaliza...
  • article | January 29, 2015 | Asset Building

    The Conversation About 529s Is Just Starting

    Within the space of a week, President Obama delivered a message in the State of the Union that wealth should be taxed to ease the burden on the mid...
  • podcast | January 29, 2015

    Our (North American) Passport to a New America

    New America
    Borders are perhaps the biggest and most contentious issue when it comes to trade, immigration, diplomacy, and innovation. Twenty years after NAFTA...
  • article | January 26, 2015

    Rethink Borders

    Why We Need a North American Passport

    New America
    Borders are perhaps the biggest and most contentious issue when it comes to trade, immigration, diplomacy, and innovation. Twenty years after NAFTA...
  • article | January 22, 2015

    On Pragmatism and Climate Change

    Sometimes it seems like climate change discussions are stuck in the ’90s. We’re still having many of the same debates: Is it real? Are our children...
  • article | January 22, 2015

    Examining the Crisis in Syria

    Courtney Schuster
    Almost four years after what began as a demonstration against President Bashir al Assad in Daraa in March 2011, Syria is still in crisis. Victimize...
  • article | January 22, 2015

    State of the Union: Disconnect-ED?

    The post-State of the Union punditry often focuses on what the President said — and what he plans to do. We hear a lot less about what he didn’t sa...
  • article | January 22, 2015

    The State of the Union as Netflix

    In the week leading up to this year’s State of the Union, the question of whether the speech and its rituals still matter seemed to get almost as m...