
  • podcast | February 10, 2015 |

    The Powerhouse Podcast

    New America
    For all the global obsession with oil that has marked the past decades, the real future of energy might be something quite different. An advanced l...
  • podcast | February 09, 2015 |

    1971 Podcast

    New America
    Decades before the world knew the names of Edward Snowden or Julian Assange, there was the Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI. During the ...
  • podcast | February 06, 2015

    The Internet Everywhere, Really

    New America
    We can make planet-wide, always-on, high-speed(ish) Internet communications a reality for everyone. In other words, a universal Internet is possibl...
  • podcast | February 04, 2015 |

    88 Days to Kandahar Podcast

    New America
    When President George W. Bush approved the first American-Afghan war, Robert Grenier, the CIA station chief in Islamabad from 1999-2002, found hims...
  • podcast | February 02, 2015 |

    A Path Appears Podcast

    A Social Cinema Screening in collaboration with the Profits & Purpose Program

    New America
    "Hope is like a path in the countryside," wrote Chinese essayist Lu Xun. "Originally there is nothing. But as people walk this way again and again,...
  • podcast | January 30, 2015 | Education Policy

    Tax Credit Bonanza

    Higher Ed Happy Hour

    New America
    On the second Higher Ed Happy Hour, Kevin, Libby, and Andrew sample some Irish whisky, dive into the merits of President Obama's higher education t...
  • podcast | January 29, 2015

    Our (North American) Passport to a New America

    New America
    Borders are perhaps the biggest and most contentious issue when it comes to trade, immigration, diplomacy, and innovation. Twenty years after NAFTA...
  • podcast | January 22, 2015 |

    Being Unemployed Shouldn’t Make You Unemployable

    New America
    In the story of the American Dream, the moral is that with hard work, making a comeback or reinventing yourself is possible. Inherent in that moral...
  • podcast | January 21, 2015 |

    The Great Race Podcast

    The Global Quest for the Car of the Future

    New America
    The world's greatest manufacturing juggernaut -- the $2 trillion automotive industry -- is in the throes of a revolution. Its future will include c...
  • podcast | January 20, 2015 | Education Policy

    Free Community College??!!!

    Higher Ed Happy Hour

    New America
    In the inaugural episode, Kevin, Andrew and Libby talk about President Obama's free community college plan, the recent college football national ch...
  • podcast | January 16, 2015 |

    How Technology is Changing the Family Tree Podcast

    In collaboration with Future Tense

    New America
    Americans are obsessed with tracing their family trees. Enabled by the Internet and advances in genetic technology, millions of people are diving d...
  • podcast | January 16, 2015 |

    Measuring Up Podcast

    Has Standardized Testing Paid Off?

    New America
    Your child is more than a score. But in the era of No Child Left Behind and the Common Core, many are accusing America's public education system of...
  • podcast | January 15, 2015 | Breadwinning & Caregiving

    Leisure Is the New Productivity

    New America
    Instead of working harder to be more productive, we need to work smarter by taking time out to relax and connect with friends and family. In study ...
  • podcast | January 09, 2015 |

    Merchants of Doubt Podcast

    New America
    Inspired by the acclaimed book by Harvard historian Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, Merchants of Doubt is a satiric yet serious examination into the...
  • podcast | January 09, 2015 |

    The Fierce Urgency of Now Podcast

    New America
    The Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts; the War on Poverty; Medicare and Medicaid; the National Endowment for the Arts and the Humanities – these ...
  • podcast | December 18, 2014 |

    The Rise of Extreme Daycare Podcast

    New America
    As wealth inequality in America reaches new heights and wage growth for the middle and lower classes remains stagnant, more and more Americans are ...
  • podcast | December 16, 2014 |

    Securing Peace in an Age of Genocide

    New America
    How do we prevent atrocities like those in Bosnia and Rwanda from happening again? Over the course of her career, Samantha Power - U.S. Ambassador ...
  • podcast | December 12, 2014 |

    Jerusalem: Flashpoint for Regional & Global Conflict Podcast

    New America
    In recent months, there have been near-daily reports of political violence in Jerusalem, the world's most hotly contested city. It is the 'volcanic...
  • podcast | December 12, 2014 |

    Curbing Corruption Podcast

    New America
    The recent midterm elections cost $3.6 billion thanks to dark money groups and some key decisions by the Supreme Court to redefine “citizen” and “c...
  • podcast | December 12, 2014 |

    Evolution or Extinction? The Future of Gender Podcast

    New America
    As our definitions of masculinity and femininity shift, gender is no longer as strong a factor in pre-determining the structures of our lives, fami...
  • podcast | December 11, 2014

    Communities Before Categories

    New America
    We all know that increasingly, Hispanic Americans are at the forefront of national conversations about politics, and not just in the context of the...
  • podcast | December 09, 2014 |

    Video: The Responsive City: In collaboration with the Program on Profits and Purpose at New America

    New America
    “In God we trust,” Mayor Michael Bloomberg used to say, “everyone else bring data.” How can emerging technologies and data analytics improve life i...