Items tagged ‘Poverty’

  • policy paper | October 27, 2014 | Open Technology Institute

    Data and Discrimination

    Collected Essays

    Despite significant political and cultural transformations since the Civil Rights movement and other social upheavals of the Sixties and Seventies,...
  • article | August 15, 2014 |

    Asset Building News Week, August 11-15

    The Asset Building News Week is a weekly Friday feature on The Ladder, the Asset Building Program blog, designed to help readers keep up with news ...
  • article | August 08, 2014 |

    Asset Building News Week, August 4–8

    The Asset Building News Week is a weekly Friday feature on The Ladder, the Asset Building Program blog, designed to help readers keep up with news ...
  • article | August 01, 2014 |

    Asset Building News Week, July 28–August 1

    The Asset Building News Week is a weekly Friday feature on The Ladder, the Asset Building Program blog, designed to help readers keep up with news ...
  • article | July 25, 2014 |

    Asset Building News Week, July 21–25

    C The Asset Building News Week is a weekly Friday feature on The Ladder, the Asset Building Program blog, designed to help readers keep up with new...
  • policy paper | September 10, 2013 |

    Beyond the Low Wage Social Contract

    The issue of low wages has moved to the center of American public debate recently, thanks to protests against the low pay of fast food workers, the...
  • book | March 01, 2011 |

    Getting Better

    Why Global Development Is Succeeding — And How We Can Improve the World Even More

    Charles Kenny
    As the income gap between developed and developing nations grows, so grows the cacophony of voices claiming that the quest to find a simple recipe ...
  • book | February 01, 2011 |

    Taxing the Poor

    Doing Damage to the Truly Disadvantaged

    Katherine S Newman Rourke O'Brien
    This book looks at the way we tax the poor in the United States, particularly in the American South, where poor families are often subject to incom...

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