Items tagged ‘The-Weekly-Wonk’

  • article | January 15, 2015

    The End of Gender Norms?

    What determines your destiny? That’s a big question with what should be a complicated answer. But for many, the answer can be reduced to one word: ...
  • article | January 15, 2015

    Teachers of Toddlers Should Earn Like They Matter

    Picture this: A four-year-old is in a sandbox, running sand and pebbles through a sieve. An adult is at his side, asking him to describe the speed ...
  • article | January 15, 2015

    Fighting Terrorists With Our Ideals Intact

    Yascha Mounk
    After last week’s terror attacks in Paris, European leaders invoked the spirit of unity. Barely a week later, it has become painfully evident that ...
  • podcast | January 15, 2015 | Breadwinning & Caregiving

    Leisure Is the New Productivity

    New America
    Instead of working harder to be more productive, we need to work smarter by taking time out to relax and connect with friends and family. In study ...
  • article | January 15, 2015

    Why Hero Mothers Can’t Save Kyrgyzstan

    Sarabrynn Hudgins
    You’ve heard about Tiger Mothers. But do you know about Hero Mothers? Kyrgyzstan has a policy that designates women who have seven or more children...
  • article | January 15, 2015

    The Return of the Protest Song

    Salamishah Tillet
    In 1964, Bob Dylan, author of the early-1960s protest anthem “Blowin in the Wind” and one of the most celebrated political singers of his generatio...
  • article | January 08, 2015

    Killing Those Who “Defame” Islam

    In the modern era killing those who purportedly have defamed Islam began with the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini’s infamous fatwa—religious ruling—that...
  • article | January 08, 2015

    Can the Young Turks Save US?

    Ari Ratner
    Does America need an Arab Spring? It’s a question that may seem absurd after the turmoil following the revolutions of 2011. Yet, it’s the question ...
  • article | January 08, 2015

    Europe, Let’s Talk About Islam

    Yascha Mounk
    Wednesday morning, two assailants armed with Kalashnikovs forced their way into the editorial offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine...
  • article | January 08, 2015

    The Roots of Radicalism We Don’t Discuss

    Morwari Zafar
    Have you ever been so heartbroken that you joined the conservative faction of a local mosque? Khalid did, because he felt he had no other way to co...
  • article | January 08, 2015 |

    Who Could Get Wealthier in 2015

    The middle class is in terrible shape. Wages are stagnant, the middle class’s share of the nation’s wealth has been declining for decades, and ordi...
  • article | January 08, 2015

    The Islamic State’s Plan For 2015

    Jeremiah Foxwell
    What’s next for the Islamic State in 2015? Clandestine domination, and exploiting America’s huge regional blind spots. The Islamic State of Iraq an...
  • article | January 08, 2015

    The Master Predictors of 2014

    The huge drop in oil prices in 2014 might have come as a shock to you, unless you saw it coming. Germany's win in the World Cup probably came as le...
  • article | January 08, 2015

    One Is Not Born, But Rather Becomes, a Citizen

    The more technology they accumulated, the more profoundly powerless they felt. That was the paradox Hahrie Han and Elizabeth McKenna discovered as ...
  • article | December 18, 2014

    The New Old Black-Jewish Alliance

    Ari Ratner
    It was Sunday morning, and I was in church. Being Jewish, this is not how I typically spend my weekends, but attending Washington, DC’s Nineteenth ...
  • article | December 18, 2014

    The Paternity Leave Stimulus

    Gary Barker Mary Robbins
    Rodrigo Neves wasn’t expecting a fight. After the city council of Niteroi, Brazil passed a new law earlier this month extending Brazil’s nationally...
  • article | December 18, 2014

    One Teacher's Signature Move

    New America
    Despite increases in access to education in Pakistan, the country still has the third highest out-of-school population in the world. And, with even...
  • article | December 18, 2014

    Why Climate Change Isn’t Sputnik

    Sharon Burke Sharon Squassoni
    Here we go again. Another year, another inconclusive climate change summit. The grim reality haunting the talks that recently wrapped up in Lima is...
  • article | December 18, 2014 | Asset Building

    Retiring a National Crisis?

    Lucy Mullany
    You’re 70 years old, and you have a choice. Do you pay your heating bill– or for prescription drugs? Do you stay in a home you can no longer afford...
  • article | December 18, 2014

    Instead of Re-Drawing the Map, Let’s Transform Our Borders

    Maano Ramutsindela
    Should we re-draw our borders? This question keeps coming up whenever societies or groups of people face existential national threats or serious ch...
  • article | December 18, 2014

    The Power of Libya's Female Arms Dealers

    Alaa Murabit
    I am an arms dealer in Libya, but my weapons reduce violence and last longer than a bullet. As the founder of the Voice of Libyan Women (VLW), a wo...
  • article | December 11, 2014

    Ferguson Should Be More Than a Moment

    National Public Radio host Michelle Norris has run The Race Card Project for the past four years. Participants are asked to distill their “experien...