YouthSave develops, delivers, and tests savings products accessible to low-income youth in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal.

About Youthsave

New America

When YouthSave began, a third of the global population was under the age of 19. With 90 percent of these young people living in developing countries, and 45 percent living on less than two dollars per day, there were more youth than ever who needed support, tools, and opportunities to become productive, contributing adults.

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article | October 27, 2014 |
YouthSave Kenya Video

YouthSave Kenya Video


Statistics show children who save money are more likely to set goals for their future, do better in school, and less likely to engage in risky behaviors. YouthSave teaches kids from low-income communities how to save their money. Here's the story of 13-year-old Mercy, a YouthSave participant from Naivasha, Kenya.

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podcast | September 10, 2014 |

The Business Of Banking Youth

New America

Can youth savings in the developing world be good social policy and make business sense for banks? New America Senior Policy Analyst Scarlett Aldebot-Green and guest, Tanaya Kilara, a Financial Sector Analyst for the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, discuss a new framework that helps financial institutions decide whether ...

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article | August 22, 2014 |
Youth-Centered Policy-Making: Balancing Rights and Protections

Youth-Centered Policy-Making: Balancing Rights and Protections

Those seeking to recommend policies, particularly in the context of a development framework, must be exceptionally calculated in their recommendations and must, at times, acknowledge that, while broad frameworks can create a point of departure, local stake-holders, particularly youth themselves and groups that work closely with youth, might be better positioned to craft context-specific policies that strike the necessary balance between rights and protections.

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article | July 21, 2014 |
Analyzing the Business Case for Youth Savings

Analyzing the Business Case for Youth Savings

Barbara Magnoni Tanaya Kilara

For financial service providers looking to offer savings products to young clients while still making a profit, there are factors at three levels that affect profitability: the market level, the institutional level, the client-segment level.

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article | June 04, 2014 |

YouthSave Colombia Video


Statistics show children who save money are more likely to set goals for their future, do better in school, and less likely to engage in risky behaviors. YouthSave teaches kids from low-income communities how to save their money. Here's the story of 14-year-old Nayid, a YouthSave participant from Santa Rosa, Colombia.

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article | June 04, 2014 |

YouthSave Nepal Video


Statistics show children who save money are more likely to set goals for their future, do better in school, and less likely to engage in risky behaviors. YouthSave teaches kids from low-income communities how to save their money. Here's the story of 13-year-old Pramod, a YouthSave participant from Bhaktapur, Nepal.

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