Items tagged ‘new-america’

  • article | October 23, 2014

    What is in Resistance?

    The people, the army, the Resistance. Lebanon’s longstanding formula, where “resistance” is a euphemism for the Shiite political party and militia ...
  • article | October 23, 2014

    Why We Need a New York Times In Every State

    We are in the midst of a journalism revival. Startups like Business Insider, Vox, Vice and FiveThirtyEight are reimagining not just newsgathering, ...
  • podcast | October 23, 2014

    The Weekly Wonk: History Is Happening Now

    New America
    In this episode, Slaughter talks with historian Khalil Muhammad, director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture at the New York Pub...
  • event | October 21, 2014 |

    E-Team: A Social Cinema Screening

    In collaboration with the Human Rights Institute, Columbia Law School

    New America
    Directed by Academy Award® Winner Ross Kauffman and Emmy Award® Nominee Katy Chevigny, E-TEAM follows the high-stakes work of four fiercely intrepi...
  • article | October 20, 2014 |

    6 things you need to read on the meat industry

    New America
    In preparation for our event that will be broadcast on CSPAN on how America’s meat industry is returning to the Jungle on Monday, October 20th, her...
  • article | October 16, 2014

    The Euro-Apprentice

    Tamar Jacoby
    At last, unemployment is easing. But the latest low rate – hovering below 6 percent –obscures a deeper, longer-term problem: “skills mismatches” in...
  • article | October 16, 2014

    Gaza’s Unseen Casualties

    Brian K. Barber
    New America Fellow Brian Barber describes what you need to know about the Gaza Strip that you can’t see in photographs and don’t hear enough about ...
  • article | October 16, 2014

    The New Extremist Incubator

    Being a foot soldier in the Lebanese Armed Forces surely ranks high on the list of unenviable professions. Aside from trying to maintain calm along...
  • podcast | October 16, 2014

    The Weekly Wonk: How A Sex Scandal Changed Democracy

    New America
    One week of presidential politics in the spring of 1987 changed political journalism forever and not for the better. So says noted political writer...
  • article | October 16, 2014 | Breadwinning & Caregiving

    Frozen II: The Tech Industry's Eggs

    New America
    If you have children under the age of ten (or know anyone who does), you know at least one person who’s bought an Elsa costume for Halloween. But w...
  • article | October 16, 2014

    The Kobani Domino Effect

    Michael Soussan
    The fate of the embattled Syrian town of Kobani, located right on the border with Turkey, has become intertwined with Kurdish movement for independ...
  • article | October 16, 2014

    Syrian Women Know How to Defeat ISIS

    Kristin Williams Michelle Barsa
    To the Islamic State, Syrian women are slaves. To much of the rest of the world, they are victims. It’s time we expose their real identity: an unta...
  • article | October 16, 2014

    Compete to Connect

    If you live in an American city, chances are you're getting a raw deal -- paying more for broadband, and yet getting slower service, than your urba...
  • article | October 16, 2014

    Building a Democropolis

    New America
    Frustration with state governments is a common feeling these days. Meanwhile, cities forging ahead, using digital technologies to transform citizen...
  • article | October 16, 2014 | Political Reform

    The Future of Campaign Finance

    New America
    By election day, an estimated $200 million in “dark money” will have flowed into the 2014 mid-term elections, more than any other election season w...
  • event | October 14, 2014

    The Future of Cities

    New America
    The 21st century is quickly becoming the era of the city. It has marked the first time in human history that the majority of us live in urban areas...
  • article | October 09, 2014

    The Half-Baked War

    New America
    No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. After more than two weeks of bombing ISIL, what re-adjustments is the President making now th...
  • article | October 09, 2014

    The Danger in Political Melodrama

    Elisabeth Anker
    Cue the script: Dark music builds and a familiar villain—perhaps Scandal’s _Daddy Pope or _Batman’s Joker—sneaks into our sights, lurking. We know ...
  • article | October 09, 2014 | Breadwinning & Caregiving

    Feminism at a Crossroad

    It’s not just you. Feminism does seem to be getting weirder. On one hand, an increasingly diverse chorus of academic, pop culture, and male voices ...
  • podcast | October 09, 2014

    The Weekly Wonk: We're All in the Poverty Fight

    New America
    “The poor” aren’t other people – they’re us. According to recent scholarship, by the time we’re 75 years old, 59 percent of us will fall below the ...
  • article | October 09, 2014

    Finding a Truce in the Teacher Wars

    “Americans Want a Bar Exam for Teachers.” “More parents join suit to overturn tenure laws.” “Teachers’ Unions Under Fire.” Nearly every day, news h...
  • article | October 09, 2014

    Silicon Valley Parents Send Their Kids Back to 1972

    Lenore Skenazy
    Most school field trips are to places the students might never go on their own: A museum, a play, a nature preserve. The idea is to open kids wide ...