• article | February 05, 2015

    That Nationwide Super Bowl Ad

    Lenore Skenazy
    The Nationwide Super Bowl ad featured a somber moppet riding a trike, getting his first kiss, and sitting forlorn at a child wedding in a forest, d...
  • article | February 05, 2015 |

    Wi-Fi Nation

    Why the FCC Outlawed Hotel Wi-Fi Blocking

    Smartphones, tablets, wearables and a mushrooming variety of mobile devices are now a fundamental part of life in America. According to surveys by ...
  • in the news | February 05, 2015 | Future of War

    New Chinese Helicopters on the Way

    Peter Warren Singer
    In late January 2015 new images appeared online of a snow covered airfield in northern China, where a heavy Z-18A utility helicopter took a test fl...
  • podcast | February 04, 2015 |

    88 Days to Kandahar Podcast

    New America
    When President George W. Bush approved the first American-Afghan war, Robert Grenier, the CIA station chief in Islamabad from 1999-2002, found hims...